Help the military personnel “Sons”!

The organization “Sons of Georgia” was created on the basis of a real need for help to people who find themselves in difficult life circumstances. We aim to help with the treatment, rehabilitation and recovery of athletes and military personnel. Our main goal is a return to normal life and the socialization of our citizens.

One of our main areas is assistance to military personnel who are participating or have participated in conflicts in our country and beyond.

Our country survived 3 military interethnic conflicts and many of our sons were left alone with their problems, the state provided assistance to the best of its ability, but this is not enough to return to normal life. Our founder experienced this and his experience gave impetus to the fact that it is necessary to create our organization.

We survived the acute phases of the conflict, but part of it remained frozen, and the war with our “aggressive neighbor” could resume at any moment. An example of this is the war in Ukraine.

Our country must be prepared for the attacks of the “crazy neighbor”, and we, as an organization, want to support our sons who will defend our country.

Now one of the effective methods of protecting our country is to help our Ukrainian brothers in the fight against the aggressor and strengthen our combat capability.

We, as an organization, do not take on the entire load of the necessary work. We take on what we can handle. We will attract international donors, implement and organize support, treatment and rehabilitation programs. We also plan to organize activities to support our military personnel.

Today we are a very young organization, but we have a lot of experience, we have a lot of energy, and now we are focused on finding local and international donors who will be involved in supporting our military personnel and thereby help ensure the security of our country.

What we specifically plan to do right now:

We plan to gather on the basis of our organization a community of sons who are not indifferent to the security of our country. Mutual Aid Community. We plan to collect – business organizations, public organizations, clinics and institutions for recovery and rehabilitation. Individuals who want to help.
We plan to attract international donor organizations.
We plan to organize a process of assistance in recruiting military personnel who plan to participate in hostilities in Ukraine.
We will raise funds for the treatment of combatants in our country and hostilities in Ukraine.
We plan to launch a club for the restoration of the psychological and moral recovery of combatants.

What will we fundraise for?

For the treatment of combatants in Ukraine.
For the treatment and rehabilitation of combatants in our country.
To start a rehabilitation club.
For the purchase of equipment and uniforms for those who want to defend their country.

We are young, our credo is “a long journey begins with a small step” and “it is easier to overcome difficulties together”. We aim to help the “Sons of Georgia” around the world. Thus, we want to help and protect our country.

In the meantime, we have an “Inadequate” neighbor. We have a lot of work.

I hope for understanding and participation.

Mikhail Verterosov

Founder and director of the organization “Sons of Georgia”

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